What are the advantages of this system ?

- Very low cost.
- Easy to do .
- Quick to do.
- The peripheral access is clean and tidy straight away which means you can take your time to choose your fittings and decorations and do them in stages.
- Total liberty for shapes, sizes, depth, underwater relief.
-  Submerged decking and plateau are great for children and mean they can play in different areas whilst being able to put their feet on the ground.
- With no concrete or other structure it is like a pond.
- This concept fits particularly well to the environment.

Are the materials and the geomembrane easy to find  ?

- Yes, and the suppliers I have listed are not the only suppliers of this type of material. There are a good number of them in the area. You can look them up on internet and the rest of the material is easily found in DIY shops.
- For the geomembrane, several customers have spoken very highly of , "SARL Gasconature".

Is the system really reliable ?

- Yes, without a doubt. I would say it is indestructible, thanks to its flexibilty. We have been using it for 23 years and I hope to continue to use it for a long time and one day to swim in it with my grandchildren. (my son is today  31 years old and my daughter 27 years old). I emptied the pool in May 2015 and noted that nothing had changed. Now with the hindsight of 23 years experience, I estimate the minimum life for this type of construction is well above 20 years. Almost all  sub-soils, if they are stabilised, permit this type of construction.  I even envisage widening the narrowest part, but only when we have finished renovating the house because there is still a lot of work to be done. (As we do not go away on holiday, the construction of the pool was just a break to make life more pleasant).
Are the folds a problem for the cleanliness of the geomembrane ?
- No not at all, you just need to use the pool vacuum as in any other pool.
Is it possible to get rid of the creases ?
- Yes,  either by welding, or by glueing, it is possible to get rid of them completely or to reduce them to a minimum.  I did that in May 2015 glueing the folds to themselves without cutting.
Is the filtering easy to manage ?

- Yes, it is a traditional sand filtering system, the one the most often found and the easiest to use. The treatment of the water is done by slow diffusion 200g multifunction cleaning tablets  (sold in supermarkets). 
For  60m3, I use  2  cleaning tablets  every week, and just to reassure the most sensitive people, the chlorine rate is very low, almost zero during the day because of the action of the UV rays. The  filtering is mainly done at night but you can also use other water treatment systems, they are all compatible.

Without being a DIY expert, I am not afraid of using tools, but are the indications given in the book really usable  ?

- Yes, completely. A huge effort has been made to make it fully comprehensible. The indications are simple and precise. The chronological order of the work has been respected in full. The information is very clear thanks to the photos and diagrams that accompany the information.

In what cases would my land not be suitable for the project  ?

- If your land has been filled in recently. It needs to have been stable for several years.
- If the ground water level in the summer, is higher than the maximum depth wished for. However it would be possible to make relief wells to pump the water out whilst the work was being done, but I did not wish to deal with this topic in order to keep the idea of an easy-build project.

My land is rocky or limestone, is it possible ?

- Yes, the difference is in the method of smoothing the walls : Moreover it is possible to use the method for rocky sub-soil for a sub-soil like mine made up mainly of earth with the objective of speeding up the work. 

How do I order the ebook, or if I didn't receive the download link, or my E-book doesn't work?

- To order the ebook ("La piscine sur terre" printable PDF version) you have to go on this page : https://buildyouringroundpool.com/index.php/order
After filling the form you will be redirected to the Paypal page where you can choose the direct payment by credit card (bottom button), you can also skip the page in French for more convenience, "it is not necessary to open a Paypal account".
Then after the payment you are invited to go to a page to download the ebook immediately.
Be careful because you also receive at the same time an email with a 2nd download link "The pool on earth" (101Mb) in case you missed the 1st download (check that the email does not land in your spam or junk mail, especially with yahoo).
If however you encounter a problem it is not serious, let me know through the contact form and I will send you immediately another direct download link for the ebook.

- Also for more simplicity, I can if you wish it instead of passing by the system of order of the site, to send to you by your address e-mail a direct request for payment Paypal by CB, then once the payment carried out I will send to you manually a link of downloading for the ebook.
Let me know if you prefer to proceed this way.

- Above all, in case of malfunction as for example if you did not receive a download link for the ebook, do not immediately file a claim with Paypal, but contact me before directly through the contact form, this will save us time and allow me to send you back very quickly a download link, and will avoid me to have litigation fees charged by Paypal.

Can I be put in contact with other DIY enthusiasts who have already built their pools ?

- A lot of people ask me this every year. I understand why this request is important but it is difficult or even impossible for me to answer. The Do It Yourselfers are just ordinary individuals who do not want to be contacted or to have visitors to their pool and who would not appreciate such requests. I can understand that too. I am very happy that some of them have taken the trouble to send me some photos and their testimonials, the pools on show in the "testimonials section" of fairesapiscine.com  are only a few of the constructions which have been done as many people wish to remain anonymous. This is not unwillingness on my part. I hope that you will understand my difficult position regarding this subject. This said, if ever you did not manage to find the answer to a question you have about one of these constructions in the ebook, I know the constructions and would be able to answer your question myself.